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Blackhawks C Connor Bedard, the No. 1 pick in this year’s draft who made his NHL debut last night, has the NHL’s best-selling jersey since June, according to sales from the league’s official online shop in the U.S. and Canada (NHL).winnipeg jets custom jersey gift card balance

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THE FACE THAT RUNS THE PLACE? Bedard made his debut against the Penguins and C Sidney Crosby on a game broadcast on ESPN, and the net’s Tony Kornheiser said it was a “really big deal for the NHL because they are putting their best players out there for the public to see.” Kornheiser: “This is a great matchup from the marketing people” (“PTI,” ESPN, 10/10)george armoyan ottawa senators. ESPN’s Marcel Louis-Jacques said Bedard “can be everything” to Blackhawks fans, as they are “desperate to get back those Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews days.” However, he noted it is too soon to anoint him as the face of the NHL. ESPN’s David Dennis Jrottawa senators custom jerseys us. agreed, saying it is a “little early for face of the league,” as this season belongs to Oilers C Connor McDavid (“Around The Horn,” ESPN, 10/10).

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